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Sync Python is easy but async Python is not


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Synchronous Python programming is easy. So easy that it is often used as the first programming language and sometimes criticized for being too easy. But, learning asynchronous programming in Python is unreasonably difficult.

Async programming is inherently more complicated

A regular program1 has a single2 control flow path that a programmer can mentally walk through in order to reason about the program. An asynchronous program often has multiple, implicit control flow paths. A programmer has to think about all the possible paths in order to properly reason about the program. This makes asynchronous programming inherently more complicated than regular programming, no matter the choice of programming language.

Python's troubled history

Python arrived at async programming in incremental steps spread out over roughly two decades. Since the addition of simple generators in 2001, Python has constantly updated the semantics and syntax associated with async programming.


Simple generators were proposed for Python 2.2 via PEP 255.


Generator-based coroutines were removed from Python 3.10.

Teaching resources that were once up-to-date became stale over time. Python programmers had to unlearn the stale semantics and then learn the then-new semantics multiple times. Unfortunately, this historical cruft is reflected in the teaching materials. Async Python programming is very often taught in the same order as the order of incremental feature addition, starting with iterators, then generators, then generator-based coroutines, and finally, native coroutines. This style of teaching may be acceptable for a History Of Python lesson but it is unnecessarily disorienting for an otherwise python proficient programmer. A prime example of this historical cruft is the concept of generator-based coroutines which are scheduled for removal. Generator-based coroutines have been superseded by native coroutines. Teaching generator-based coroutines only serves to confuse the async beginner.

Outdated and insufficient terminology

Async Python programming is taught using generators (aka semicoroutines) and coroutines. The terms generators and coroutines are old.


Generators first appeared in 1975, were a prominent feature of the Icon programming language, and were the inspiration for Python's PEP 255 in 2001.


Coroutines were invented in 1958 and the first published explanation appeared in a 1963 paper by Melvin Conway3 in context of the COBOL programming language and punch cards.

Since their invention, coroutines have been implemented in many languages with the implementations differing from each other due to language-specific idiosyncrasies. As a result, the modern definition of a coroutine is a generalization4 of all the different coroutine implementations.

The general-purpose defintions of a generator and a coroutine are wholly insufficient when it comes to Python because they fail to properly distinguish between a Python generator and a Python (native) coroutine. Generators are considered a subset of coroutines and coroutines are considered an evolution of generators. While the preceding statement is historically correct, it is no longer applicable because Python generators and Python (native) coroutines have now diverged into completely independent concepts. Funnily, this failure of definitions eventually comes to light when the programmer accidentally stumbles upon an asynchronous generator, which acts as both a generator and a coroutine at the same time5.

Newer programming languages such as Kotlin (first appeared in 2011) and Go (first appeared in 2009) provide a dramatically better learning experience compared to Python (first appeared in 1990). Kotlin uses a much clearer definition of a coroutine and Go provides a goroutine as a first-class feature.

Underhanded treatment of control flow and state

Coroutines and generators are radical6 control flow devices when viewed from the point of view of the now well-accepted structured programming paradigm. Both coroutines and generators retain their state while allowing the control to be transferred away from themselves. However, Python generators and Python (native) coroutines provide very different types of control flow. A Python generator provides a more definitive transfer of control compared to a Python (native) coroutine. This difference in control flow is a very important distinction between a Python generator and a Python (native) coroutine that is rarely mentioned, if at all7.


  1. A regular computer program is synchronous, non-concurrent, single-threaded, and single-process. 

  2. The use of (psuedo) random numbers without a known, pre-set random number seed can make the control paths appear random (or stochastic) to the programmer. As a result, the programmer may have to consider multiple control flow paths in order to properly reason about the program. We ignore this situation because (psuedo)randomness-induced control flow multiplicity is (1) easier to handle, and (2) orthogonal to async programming. 

  3. Conway, Melvin E (1963). Design of a Separable Transition-diagram Compiler. Communications of the ACM. ACM. 6 (7): 396–408. doi:10.1145/366663.366704 (PDF

  4. This retroactive generalization is quite common in computer science where the specific implementation of a new concept arrives before the general concept. Once the specific implementation is found to be useful, it is generalized into an abstract concept. 

  5. Author(s) of this course predict that the Python syntax will change once more to allow yield from within async def coroutine functions even though it isn't allowed as of PEP 492. This is because (1) yield is allowed within an async def coroutine function in order to create an async generator, even though the previous PEP specifically forbade it, and (2) the refactoring concerns from PEP 380 still apply to async generators. This would formally complete the separation of generators and coroutines in Python. 

  6. This is more philosophical than factual. The counter-point could also be argued, that, coroutines and generators need not be called radical because they are a form of structured concurrency, which is a a closely related concept to structured programming. 

  7. It is much more common to find the following outdated distinction -- a Python generator only generates values but a Python coroutine can both generate and accept values. 

Last update: 2022-09-13
Created: 2022-09-13
