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yield from

We saw previously that presence or absence of a syntactically reachable yield within a function can change the nature of the function completely. Adding a yield makes the function into a generator function and removing the yield makes the function a simple function. We also discussed that this yield-induced structural change can cause the entire downstream code to be rewritten. This yield-induced structural change is a big problem when refactoring code.

Let's look at a toy1 example to understand this issue. The following example generates random shades of red and random shades of blue as (r, g, b) tuples.

import random

def generate_red_blue(n=2):
    while True:
        # Generate n shades of red
        for _ in range(n):
            r = random.randint(1, 255)
            gb = random.randint(0, r - 1)
            yield (r, gb, gb)

        # Generate n shades of blue
        for _ in range(n):
            b = random.randint(1, 255)
            rg = random.randint(0, b - 1)
            yield (rg, rg, b)

x = generate_red_blue()

# (105, 75, 75)  # red

# (205, 125, 125)  # red

# (108, 108, 225)  # blue

# (143, 143, 206)  # blue
You can execute the generator function generate_red_blue yourself to see how it works. Consider the situation that you need another generator function to generate shades of red and green. You could write another function, say, generate_red_green by copying the red section of generate_red_blue. This would generally be a bad programming practice for various reasons. For example, if we wanted to replace the current red scheme with a better scheme, we will have to edit two functions.

Expectedly, we should extract out the red section into a generator of its own. This does not pose a problem, yet. Now, if we wanted yet another function to generate shades of green and blue, we would need to extract the blue section into another generator function of its own. Extracting out both red and blue sections would remove the two yield statements from generate_red_blue, which would reduce it to a simple function. This would require a rewrite of the downstream code, as we've discussed before.

Naive Solution

We can solve the problem by instantiating the generator objects within generate_red_blue and then yield ourselves, as shown below.

import random

def generate_red(n=2):
    for _ in range(n):
        r = random.randint(1, 255)
        gb = random.randint(0, r - 1)
        yield (r, gb, gb)

def generate_blue(n=2):
    for _ in range(n):
        b = random.randint(1, 255)
        rg = random.randint(0, b - 1)
        yield (rg, rg, b)

def generate_red_blue_refactored_basic(n=2):
    while True:
        for red in generate_red(n):
            yield red
        for blue in generate_blue(n):
            yield blue

y = generate_red_blue_refactored_basic()

# (159, 8, 8)  # red

# (64, 40, 40)  # red

# (54, 54, 157)  # blue

# (0, 0, 198)  # blue
This works, as you can check yourself. But, the code above has a problem. For example, if we send a value to generate_red_blue_refactored_basic, it would not automatically get sent to generate_red or generate_blue; we will have to update generate_red_blue_refactored_basic to send any value it receives to the subgenerators generate_red and generate_blue. Another problem is the use of other generator functions, throw and close.

Better Solution

Handling all of these cases is non-trivial yet boilerplate. This is why PEP 380 added a new syntax called yield from.

The generate_red and generate_blue are defined just like in the naive solution above. The refactored, yield from-based generator function is below.

def generate_red_blue_refactored(n=2):
    while True:
        yield from generate_red(n)
        yield from generate_blue(n)

z = generate_red_blue_refactored()

# (60, 58, 58)  # red

# (64, 43, 43)  # red

#  (155, 155, 200)  # blue

#  (56, 56, 59)  # blue

On its face, yield from seems to provide a marginal improvement in brevity. The generator function generate_red_blue_refactored_basic was quite terse to begin with and generate_red_blue_refactored only removes the simple for loops.

However, by using yield from, generate_red_blue_refactored allows sending values back to the subgenerators and a proper handling of exceptions. If we were to add these benefits to our basic solution in generate_red_blue_refactored_basic, we would have to write a lot of code such as the one shown in PEP 380.

yield from still makes a generator function

As you may have noticed, a function containing a syntactically reachable yield from is still a generator function (which is an extended, not a simple function). The same rules apply as that for yield.

yield from is a QoL improvement

If you review PEP 380, you'll find that yield from is semantically equivalent to a small snippet of regular python code that contains a lot of try-catch statements. Thus, yield from is simply a quality of life improvement with only new python magic being the new keyword yield from.

yield from to write generator-based coroutines

It is true that yield from has a special usage: it can be used to write generator-based coroutines. We don't talk about generator-based coroutines in this course for many reasons. Firstly, generator-based coroutines are deprecated and scheduled for removal in Python 3.10. It's no longer need to learn asynchronous programming in python. Secondly, even the term generator-based coroutines causes so much confusion; is it a generator, is it a coroutine, is it both, or is it neither? See the footnote in Control and the footnote in Introduction for even more details.

We recommend beginners to forget that generator-based coroutines exist or that yield from has a special usage to create them. There is nothing to lose by doing so.


  1. This example is quite silly. Some would argue that the (r, g, b) tuples being returned are not even shades of red/blue and they would be right. Such a scheme to determine shades of red/blue is definitely not something to be used in real world code. For example, (72, 218, 223) can be considered blue but it won't be returned by our example. If you want a more real world example demonstrating the benefits of yield from, consider the Fibonacci server that David Beazley coded live

Last update: 2022-09-13
Created: 2022-09-13
