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A generator may be defined simply by including a syntactically reachable yield (or yield from) keyword within a function. The following is an example of the simplest generator.

def example_generator_function():
    yield 1
Notice how we used the word function to describe the above example. This is because example_generator_function is indeed a function. You can call it by executing example_generator_function() like any other python function, as shown below.


However, example_generator_function is not a simple function. This means that calling it will not execute the contents of the function. Feel free to check this out yourself.

x = example_generator_function()
# <generator object example_generator_function at 0x10be77740>
The result of calling example_generator_function is stored in x and it is not 1, or None, or anything you would've expected had it been a simple function. Instead, calling example_generator_function returns a generator object. example_generator_function is a suspendable and therefore an extended function. This means that we require some other mechanism to execute the contents of example_generator_function. One such mechanism is to call next on the generator object x.

# 1

Later on, we will look at next in detail and discuss other ways of executing the contents of a generator function.

Confusing nomenclature

The word generator can be ambiguous.

Does it refer to example_generator_function or x ?

Ideally, a function like example_generator_function would always be called a generator function, an object like x would always be called a generator object, and the word generator would always be used as an adjective instead of a noun. Sadly, such carefulness in word choice is uncommon and the word generator is often used to refer to both a generator function and a generator object.

yield is like return

yield may be thought of as a free-spirited cousin of return. Both yield and return optionally return a value back to the caller of the function they are in. yield suspends the execution of the rest of the function leaving the possibility open for a resumption of execution. In contrast, return ends the execution of the rest of the function without any chance of resumption. This is best demonstrated by the following pair of functions.

def print_return_and_print():
    print("Starting execution")
    return 1
    print("Ending execution")

y = print_return_and_print()
# Starting execution

# 1

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
# <ipython-input-42-cf9ac561a401> in <module>
# ----> 1 next(y)
# TypeError: 'int' object is not an iterator
def print_yield_and_print():
    print("Starting execution")
    yield 1
    print("Ending execution")

z = print_yield_and_print()
# <generator object print_yield_and_print at 0x10bfb0510>

z_value = next(z)
# Starting execution

# 1

# Ending execution
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# StopIteration                             Traceback (most recent call last)
# <ipython-input-38-81b9d2f0f16a> in <module>
# ----> 1 next(z)
# StopIteration:

While the functions print_return_and_print and print_yield_and_print look very similar, they are structurally very different. print_return_and_print is a simple function and print_yield_and_print is an extended function. When we call print_return_and_print, we see that Starting execution is printed out and the value 1 is stored in y. The string Ending execution is never printed out with no recourse besides changing the function itself1. Finally, calling next on y gives us a TypeError error because y is just 1 and next cannot be called on 1.

In contrast, when we call print_yield_and_print, nothing gets printed at all and the value 1 is not stored in z. Instead, z is a generator object. When we call next on z , the contents of print_yield_and_print are executed until the yield (or suspension) point, Starting execution is printed, and the value 1 is stored in z_value. At this point, the execution of the contents of print_yield_and_print is suspended and the control is transferred back to the caller. The execution may be resumed by calling next again on the same generator object z from immediately before. Calling a second next resumes the execution from where it was suspended2, prints out Ending execution, and then throws a StopIteration error, which, as we will discuss later, is expected and does not mean that there is a mistake in our code.

Brevity has its costs

Unprimed readers may underestimate how much of a structural difference a tiny change like replacing return with yield can create.

Imagine that you've written a complicated generator function and accompanying downstream code that executes the contents of the said generator function. One day, you decide to refactor the generator function and comment out all the yield statements, which reduces the extended function to a simple function. As a result of this edit, the downstream code that was previously able to drive the generator now throws an error, similar to the TypeError we got when we called next on y. All downstream code that interacts with this function now needs to be rewritten. On some other day, if you decide to revisit the function and uncomment any of the yield statements, you will need to update the downstream code again, this time in reverse.


Even though they look alike, a simple function and a generator function are not interchangeable.

As a side note, newer languages may have a less cumbersome design. One example is a goroutine in Go. Go allows you to re-use the same function in two ways, once, as a simple function that you call directly and execute, and second, asynchronously in a goroutine. You don't need to write two variants of the same idea. You can write once and decide whether you want to call it synchronously or asynchronously later.

yield is a two way street

Perhaps, as an act of rebellion, yield can accept a value from the caller into the generator function. This is best experienced in action.

def receive_value():
    value = yield 1
    print('received value = {}'.format(value))
    yield 2

gen = receive_value()
# <generator object receive_value at 0x11106e6d0>

first = next(gen)
# 1

second = gen.send('hello')
# received value = hello
# 2

This time, our generator function receive_value has two yield expressions and the first yield expression expects to receive a value. As usual, we can start to drive the generator by calling next on the generator object gen. Once the execution is suspended after the first next call, we call the send method of the generator object. This allows us to send any value, such as 'hello' in our case, back to the generator function. The send method runs from the first yield expression until the second yield statement, which is why send returns the value 2, which is then stored in second.

Behold the power

A generator is a very powerful construct because it is able to both return and receive values, multiple times, without losing its state. A generator is bestowed with all the benefits of a function, which means that a generator function can accept function arguments, maintain its own independent scope, and contain arbitrarily complicated code. For example, we could return multiple values from a generator function at different times. Or, we could choose which branch of an if-else statement gets executed inside a live, running generator based on the value it receives. Such tremendous freedom is not granted to a mere simple function. In some ways, as we will see next, a generator is a somewhat complicated class unto itself.

Many readers may have more questions about the mechanics of yield such as how many yield statements can we have, can a function have both yield and return statements, and what is meant by syntactically reachable. We discuss such questions in the Mechanics by Examples section after we have studied the underlying design of generators.


  1. Calling print_return_and_print a second time would repeat the same behavior and will still not print out Ending execution

  2. There are other ways besides next to resume a suspended execution. 

Last update: 2022-09-13
Created: 2022-09-13
