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Alternative models of async programming

There are many models for asynchronous programming. The following table is an non-exhaustive list of some of these models.

Model Language Comments
Callbacks Javascript Very common in Javascript
Python Callbacks can be used in python, even if less popular than suspendables
Greenlets Python Gevent uses greenlets
Goroutines Go Run a function synchronously or asynchronously as a goroutine
Suspendables Javascript Javascript inspired async/await keywords in python
Kotlin Clean & modern implementation of suspendables
Python Incrementally added to Python 3 since 2001

Even though python itself has at least three competing models, namely callbacks, greenlets, and suspendables, this course only describes suspendables in detail. This is because at the time of writing this course, suspendables are the newest, trendiest, and arguably (contentiously) the best model of asynchronous programming in python, so much so that the phrase asynchronous programming often defaults to mean suspendables.

Python is an older programming language which initially did not have native support for asynchronous programming. This support was incrementally added later and as a result the syntax for suspendables may not be as clean as in some of the newer languages. For example, Kotlin has a dramatically clearer description and terminology including the explicit use of the the word suspendable, suspendion point, and continuation. They even have a suspending lambda.

Go provides its namesake goroutine. In Go, you can define a function and decide to execute it synchronously like usual (therebey treating the function as a simple function) or calling the same function asynchronously within a goroutine (thereby treating the function as an extended function). All of this without requiring any special syntax in the definition of the function.

Python from here on

Before we move to discussing the exact details of asynchronous programming in python, let's review what we discussed until now.

Suspendables by control transfer

Based on how the control is transferred, suspendables can be categorized into

  • Explicit Control Transfer Suspendables
  • Implicit Control Transfer Suspendables

Python provides generators as an implementation of an explicit control transfer suspendable and coroutines as an implementation of an implicit control transfer suspendable.

Suspendable Type Python Implementation
Explicit Control Transfer Generators
Implicit Control Transfer Coroutines

It may be argued, with some merit, that only coroutines qualify as a model of asynchronous programming and generators do not. However, you could add an event loop over generators to emulate a coroutine, as was done in our improved implementation as well as David Beazley's live coding. In any case, it is nearly impossible, if not immensely impractical, to discuss coroutines (which are uncontentiously a model of asynchronous programming) without discussing generators.

Suspenables by syntax

Since we prefer suspendables to have a functional form, suspendable functions cannot be implemented as simple functions.

Both generators and coroutines are implemented as extended functions. Calling a generator or a coroutine does not execute the internal contents of the suspendable but instead returns an object that can be used to execute the contnts.

In the rest of this course, we will study python's implementation of generators and coroutines, while discussing their specific design, syntax, and control flow.

Suspendables by control transfer and by syntax

Control transfer and syntax are orthogonal properties. Both (explicit) generators and (implicit) coroutines are extended functions.

Last update: 2022-09-13
Created: 2022-09-13
