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What syntax is needed to correctly define a suspendable entity ?

We have previously noticed that the syntax we used was janky, even for pseudocode.


Let's begin with a relevant albeit non-traditional definition of a function.


A function is a packaged unit of code that has at least two stages:

1. defining stage
2. calling stage

These two stages are so trivial that one may wonder why are we even discussing it. Hopefully, the necessity of this discussion will soon become clear.

Defining stage

A function may be defined by executing code such as the following.

def square(x):
    x_squared = x ** 2
    return x
Executing the above code doesn't actually execute the contents of square1. In fact, when we execute the above code, we don't even know which value of x needs to be squared. Thus, it would not even make sense to execute the contents of square while defining it.

Calling stage

The function square can be called like so:

square(2)  # 4
Calling a function means executing a code snippet of the form function_name(optional_args). It just so happens that calling square executes the contents of square. This may sound torturedly pedantic. After all, what else could we possibly mean by calling a function? It turns out that there may be situations where calling an entity may not necessarily execute the contents of the entity.

Call ≠ Execute, necessarily

Let's broaden our notion of what it means to call an entity. In python, functions are not the only callable entities.

Calling a class

Let's consider the following simple class.

class HelloWorld():
    def __init__(self, data): = data

    def __repr__(self):
        return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({})'

    def __call__(self):

    def set(self, new_data): = new_data

We can call the HelloWorld class just like we could call a simple function.

y = HelloWorld(1)
Calling HelloWorld executes the default class constructor (__init__) but not the other methods in the class. Thus, calling the class does not execute the entire content of the class. In fact, executing the entire content of the class is not even a properly defined operation2.

Calling an object of the class

Since HelloWorld has a __call__ method, an instance of the HelloWorld class is also a callable.

y()  # 1
Again, calling y only executes the contents of the HelloWorld.__call__ method. It does not execute the contents of __init__ method (aka the class constructor) or any of the other class methods.

The two examples above help disassociate the notion of calling an entity from executing the contents of an entity. Calling an entity has multiple semantics.

Simple Function

We need some terminology to distinguish functions that have different calling semantics.

Simple Function

A function is a simple function if calling the function executes the contents of the function. In other words, the calling stage is the same as the execution stage for a simple function.

A simple function is the ubiquitous function that every modern day programmer learns. For example, square is a simple function.

Suspendable function cannot be a simple function

We suspected that this might be the case since Footnote 1 of the previous section. This is best described by a simpler counter example — let's assume that a suspendable function can indeed be expressed as a simple function in the following pseudocode:

suspendable function count_hello:
    count = 0
    while true:
        count = count + 1
        print string(count) + " hello"
        release control  # to caller

count_hello()  # 1 hello
count_hello()  # 2 hello
count_hello()  # 3 hello

The above pseudocode has a few problems:

  1. A fourth call to count_hello would inevitably result in 4 hello. There is no way to reset the state back to 1 hello. We're stuck!
  2. What if we wanted to have two instances of count_hello simultaneously, possibly at different states?
  3. What if we wanted to receive 1 hello as returned value instead of just being printed?

When we execute the contents of a suspendable function, we create an internal state for that particular chain of execution. This internal state needs to be stored somewhere. If we then need to initiate a second execution of the same suspendable function, we need to find a different place to store the separate internal state of this second chain of execution.

A simple function can maintain at most one internal state3. Unless global variables are involved, every call to a simple function is independent of each other, and as a result simple functions do not suffer from the problems mentioned above.

Suspendable function ≠ Simple function

Unlike a simple function, calling a suspendable function should not execute its contents.

Later in the course, we will see how exactly a suspendable function would come to differ from a simple function.

Suspendable function implemented as a class

Being able to independentally execute different instances of the same code is the hallmark of object oriented programming. We could easily define count_hello as the following python class.

class CountHello:
    def __init__(self):
        self.count = 0

    def run(self):
        self.count = self.count + 1
        print(str(self.count) + " hello")

We can now instantiate multiple instances of CountHello, each with its own independent state.

z = CountHello()
w = CountHello() # 1 hello # 2 hello # 3 hello # 1 hello # 4 hello

The above code is proper Python code. We didn't need to use any fancy keywords to indicate a transfer of control. Each call to performs one iteration that increases the value of count by 1 and then returns the control back to the caller. The state count is preserved between calls to

The actual python code in the CountHello class performs the same work as the pseudocode suspendable function count_hello but without needing any notion of suspendability.


Why do we even need suspendable functions at all if we can just use classes?

The answer to this question is anti-climactic: suspendable entities are not essential. We could do asynchronous programming using other constructs such as classes or callbacks. In fact, the above CountHello class is a rudimentary implementation of a python generator, which we will study later in the course.

The benefit of using a suspendable entity (over using a class) is readability, which is highly valued in Python.

Callbacks instead of suspendable functions

Callbacks provide an alternative approach to perform asynchronous programming, one that is completely independent to suspendables. Callbacks are commonly used in Javascript but also available in python. Though, even in Javascript, callbacks are sometimes considered ugly and async/await is considered easier. These slides, even though about Kotlin, provide an excellent comparison of the callback approach against the coroutine approach.

Verbosity & Natural Representation

Our pseudocode examples ignored syntax ambiguities. But when programming in python, we want readable, clear, consistent, terse, and unambiguous syntax. Python is popular because of its wonderful syntax and it would be a shame to lose that quality simply to write an asynchronous program.

A class is much more verbose than a function. A class requires boilerplate code (such as constructors) which is not needed for a function. For our toy example, the class CountHello does not seem to be much more verbose than the function count_hello but the class-equivalent for a moderate sized suspendable task could be quite verbose. A functional form is also a more natural way to express many forms of computation.

Consider the suspendable psedudocode function mashed_potatoes, discussed previously. This function has one control transfer point. We can create a non-suspendable class out of the suspendable mashed_potatoes by splitting the code before and after the control transfer point.

suspendable function mashed_potatoes(minutes, auto_shutoff):
    start_boiling_potatoes(minutes=minutes, auto_shutoff=auto_shutoff)

    release control  # to the caller

class MashedPotatoes:
    def __init__(self, minutes, auto_shutoff):
        self.minutes = minutes
        self.auto_shutoff = auto_shutoff

    def before_control_transfer():
        start_boiling_potatoes(minutes=15, auto_shutoff=true)

    def after_control_transfer():

It may be argued that adding a few new keywords to legalize the syntax for a suspendable function is better than having to create a class every time we want to suspend control.

mashed_potatoes MashedPotatoes
Very little boilerplate code More boilerplate code (such as constructor)
Pseudocode Proper python code
Needs release & control words No special keywords needed
Order of computation is specified by the function itself User needs to remember to order of computation: before_control_transfer()after_control_transfer()

Extended Function

The above discussion may be summarized into the following two points.

  • A suspendable function cannot be a simple function
  • We prefer a suspendable function over classes or callbacks

This leads us to define a new type of function.

Extended Function

A function is an extended function if calling the function does not execute the contents of the function. Executing the contents of the function requires an execution stage beyond the calling stage.

Allowing a function to have yet another stage (beyond the defining and calling stage) lets us solve all of our problems albeit at the cost of increased complexity. This concept of an extended function is best described via an example.

# Stage 1: Defining stage
def example():
    print("Executing contents of example")
    yield 1

# function

# Stage 2: Calling stage 
x = example()
# generator

# Stage 3: Execution stage
y = next(x)
# Executing contents of example

# 1

The above example requires a lot of explanation, which we will provide in the Generators section later in the course. For now, this example serves to demonstrate that calling example neither prints Executing contents of example nor provides 1 as a return value. Instead, calling example simply returns a generator object. Executing the contents of example requires yet another step — calling next on the generator object x. Evidently, the extended function example is very different from the simple function square. The extended function example has one extra stage — the execution stage.

Wary readers may notice that calling example is reminiscent of calling the constructor of a class. This is precisely true! Every invocation example() produces a separate, independent generator object. The function example serves as a concise form of class declaration. In other words, an extended function (such as example) may be thought of as verbosity-reducing syntactic sugar over a class declaration.

This is not the only example of trickery that hides complexity behind syntactical brevity. A very similar construct is a context manager decorator, which allows us to define a context manager as a function instead of having to write a class with boilerplate methods.

Arguably, hiding complexity behind syntactical brevity is a defining feature of python itself.


  1. Though, the syntax of the contents of the function is checked. 

  2. In order to properly define what it means to execute the entire content of a class, we will need to first some answer questions, such as — what's the order in which various class methods are executed the arguments and which arguments need to be passed to the class methods. 

  3. A simple function may use a global variable to save some internal state. This global variable may be accessible by future function invocations or even by other functions. Thus, a simple function using a global variable to maintain an internal state suffers from the same problems outlined above. This is one of the reasons why global variables are considered a bad programming practive

Last update: 2022-09-13
Created: 2022-09-13
