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Who gets the control when a suspendable entity suspends execution ?

In our opinion, this key question is often avoided by most other tutorials, which makes learning unncessarily difficult. We alluded to this in the beginning.

In this course, we use new terminology to answer this question. Specifically, we subcategorize suspendables on the basis of control flow:

  1. Explicit Control Transfer Suspendables
  2. Implicit Control Transfer Suspendables

We use python-like pseudocode instead of real python code throughout this page. We cannot use real python code yet because we haven't answered the question of syntax.

Explicit Control Transfer Suspendables

Let's re-visit our Salad & Mashed Potatoes example from before. We previously noted that making mashed_potatoes a suspendable recipe would be more efficient because we can execute salad while the potatoes are boiling. In order to do so, we need to break up boil_potatoes into three pieces:


Put the potatoes and water in a saucepan and set the auto shutoff timer for 15 minutes
release control
while the potatoes are boiling
Drain the hot water from the saucepan and extract boiled potatoes

We can write our code in one of two ways as shown below.

function salad
suspendable function mashed_potatoes peel_potatoes() cut_potatoes() start_boiling_potatoes(minutes=15, auto_shutoff=true) release control # to the caller finish_boiling_potatoes() mash_potatoes() stir_potatoes_with_butter()
function main mashed_potatoes() salad() mashed_potatoes() # resume suspended run

function salad
suspendable function mashed_potatoes peel_potatoes() cut_potatoes() start_boiling_potatoes(minutes=15, auto_shutoff=true) release control to salad() finish_boiling_potatoes() mash_potatoes() stir_potatoes_with_butter()
function main mashed_potatoes()

In Example 1, control is transferred from main to mashed_potatoes, which transfers the control back to main once the potatoes are set to boil. main then sends the control to salad which finishes its job and returns control back to main like any traditional function. main then calls mashed_potatoes once again to resume the suspended run1.

In Example 2, control is transferred from main to mashed_potatoes, which then transfers the control to salad while the potatoes are boiling instead of returning control back to main. salad finishes its job and returns control back to its caller which happens to be mashed_potatoes. Finally, mashed_potatoes then finishes its job and transfers control back to main at the end.

In both examples, the suspendable function transfers the control explicitly and deterministically from itself to another known function. In Example 1, during suspension, the control transfers from mashed_potatoes to its caller, main. In Example 2, the control transfers from mashed_potatoes to salad. In both of these examples, the programmer knows deterministically which line of the program would execute immediately after the control is released during suspension without having to run the code at all.

The suspendable mashed_potatoes in both examples is an Explicit Control Transfer Suspendable. The idea of explicit control transfer is best understood in contrast to the implicit control transfer.

Implicit Control Transfer Suspendables

The Plane Ticket example is the perfect example to demonstrate the need for implicit control transfer suspendables. We previously discussed this classic example to show the benefit of asynchronous programming over serial and parallel programming. We will now use this classic example to demonstrate the need for implicit control transfer suspendables as well.

The pseudocode we prevoisly saw is simply the naive implementation shown below. We will now discuss the drawbacks of the naive implementation and then provide an improved implementation.

As we discussed before, the pseudocode purposefully has janky syntax, as we will explain in the next section on syntax. For now, we will ignore the syntax issues and focus on control transfer.

suspendable function get_price(vendor)
    request = create_request(vendor)
    release control
    print(f'Received price from the vendor {vendor}!')
    return request.result

# Initiate all requests

# Resume suspended functions and wait for them to complete
red_price = get_price(red).wait()
green_price = get_price(green).wait()
blue_price = get_price(blue).wait()

# Find the best price
# Could we have started this computation with just two prices?
min([red_price, green_price, blue_price])

# Did you notice the janky syntax in this pseudocode? This is why we need 
# to answer the syntax question in the next section.
suspendable function get_price(vendor)
    request = create_request(vendor)
    while request.result is None:
        release control
    print(f'Received price from the vendor {vendor}!')
    return request.result

# Suspend-resume loop until all requests are done
waiting = [red, green, blue]
best_price = infinity
while waiting:
    # Check to see if the query has finished
    vendor = waiting.pop()
    price = get_price(vendor)

    if price is None:  
        # If query didn't finish yet, add it to the waiting list again.
        # We'll check on it again.
        # If query returned, start comparing. No need to wait for other
        # queries to finish.
        if price < best_price:
            best_price = price

# Did you notice the janky syntax in this pseudocode? This is why we need 
# to answer the syntax question in the next section.

There is still room for improvement

Even though our naive implementation of the asychronous approach was much better than the serial and parallel approaches, the naive implementation is still inefficient.

We need to perform a few comparison operations in order to compute the minimum of three numbers. These comparison operations also cost time. In the naive approach, we waited for all three asynchronous queries to finish before we computed the minimum price. This idle waiting is wasteful.

Just after the 400ms mark, we have the prices from Vendors Green and Blue but we don't have the price from Vendor Red. We needed to wait another 600ms before we obtained the price from Vendor Red. We could have computed the smaller of the blue and green prices during that 600ms.

However, the naive approach waits for the queries to finish in a very particular, distinguished order - it waits for red, then green, then blue. This forces us to idly wait during that 600ms period. If we re-order the vendors to wait for green first, then blue, and then red, we may be able to use that 600ms otherwise idle time to compare the blue and green prices. But, even re-ordering the queries is not a practical solution because we may not know the vendor latencies pre-emptively.

The benefit of utilizing the idle time to perform comparisons seems overkill for our toy example comprising of only three queries. But, imagine the real-world case of our own Kayak-type website. We will to perform thousands of comparisons among thousands of prices in order to compute the mimimum price. It would be noticelably slow to perform the thousands of comparisons only after all the queries have finished.

Improved implementation

The main difference between the naive and the improved implementation is that the improved implementation adds a while loop. Improved implementation does not wait for a query to complete. The while loop checks (but doesn't wait) to see if a query has completed. If it has completed, the loop updates the current minimum price. If the query has not yet completed, the loop puts back the query in the waiting list to be checked again at a later time.

The while loop runs really fast compared to the queries. Therefore, roughly around 300ms mark, the loop will discover that the query to the Vendor Green is finished and the loop will remove Vendor Green from the waiting list. Then roughly, at 400ms mark, the loop will remove Vendor Blue from the waiting list and compare the prices from the Vendors Green and Blue to compute the current minmum price. This comparison between the prices from the Vendors Green and Blue happens much before the query to Vendor Red finishes. Finally, at 1000ms, the loop will have gone through all the queries and will have computed the bets price.

This is too common a scenario

Looping through events is an extremely common scenario and for the same reason -- in real life, we cannot know, in an a priori manner, the chronological order of task completion. Therefore, we need to loop over the tasks to determine which task needs to be assigned to the processor. This loop is called the event loop.

The pseudocode while loop we just disucssed is called a rudimentary form of the industrial-strength event loop that you would find in asynchronous programming packages such as asyncio or uvloop.

Every programmer can write their own custom loop; after all, we just did so in pseudocode. So, why have the programming language provide whole machinery to run suspendable tasks in an event loop?

Because real-world scenarios are more complicated. For example, a suspendable function could call another suspendable function, which could call another suspendable function and so on. An event loop needs to keep track of all these suspendable functions properly and give all of them some processing time.

Since this scenario is too common, Python 3 provides, as a first class feature, the syntax and packages needed to run an event loop without having to write a custom event loop yourself. That said, third party event loops are available, such as uvloop and trio. And, of course, you can write your own custom loop from scratch as demonstrated in a live coding session at PyCon 2015 by David Beazley2.

How does this relate to Implicit Control Transfer Suspendables?

The suspendable functions in our improved implementation transfer control to the while loop. The event loop can only coordinate the work if the control is transferred from the suspendable function to the event loop. If you transfer the control to some other entity besides the event loop, then the event loop cannot coordinate the work properly.

But, the event loop typically doesn't really do much work for itself. Its main job is to transfer the control from one suspendable function to another. We could argue that the event loop facilitates control transfer between suspendable functions. In other words, the control is implicitly transferred between suspendable functions via the event loop. In real python code, the event loop is nearly invisible to the end user. As a result, the end user perceives the control being transferred between their user-written suspendable functions.

It often not be possible to pre-emptively tell which suspendable function (among a whole list of suspendable functions waiting for resumption) will finish first. Thus, it's not possible to deterministically say which suspendable function will transfer the control to which other suspendable function, via the event loop. In other words, the control is transferred non-deterministically amongst the suspendable functions.

Finally, uou could reasonably argue that the pseudocode in the improved implementation actually uses explicit control transfer. This is correct! Implicit control transfer mechanism is indeed built upon the explicit control transfer mechanism with the event loop being the invisble control tranfer coordinator.

Explicit v. Implicit Control Transfer

Some asynchronous tasks, such as the Salad & Mashed Potatoes example, do not benefit for an event loop3. There is no need to force such functions to run within an event loop.

Some asynchronous tasks, such as the Plane Ticket example, almost always require an event loop to run efficiently. It is inefficient to not run these functions within an event loop4.

One unified syntax for both explicit & implicit control tranfer?

While there is a natural distinction between the type of suspendable functions that require an event loop and those who don't, there appears to be no reason why the syntax for explicit and implicit control transfer suspendables should be different. It is somewhat reasonable to expect that a programming language provide only one type of suspendable function with the same set of reserved keywords for both explicit and implicit control transfer. Perhaps, a suspendable function's control transfer can be made explicit or implicit automatically depending on whether or not it interacts with an event loop?

This happens to not be the case with python, as of writing this course. The following table describes how python 3.8.5+ bifurcates the concept of suspendables into two specialized entities, each with its own set of keywords.

Item Pseudocode (Explicit & Implicit) Python (Explicit) Python (Implicit)
Name Suspendable Generator Coroutine
Requires event loop Yes & No No Yes
Function definer function def def
Suspendable modifier suspendable - async
Control transfer to caller release control yield -
Control transfer to another release control to yield from await

In python, explicit control transfer suspendables are implemented as generators and implicit control transfer suspendables are implemented as coroutines5.

The reason for this bifurcation is complicated involving syntactical, historical, and design considerations. Just after PEP 342, the same yield from syntax was used for both (explicit) generators and (implicit) coroutines. But, using the same syntax for both generators and coroutines created problems and confusion, as mentioned in PEP 492. PEP 492 finally separated coroutines from generators. We will discuss some of these syntactical, historical, and design considerations later in the course.

One weird artifact of this bifurcation is that python may allow a suspendable to be both explicit and implicit at the same time. This is what python calls asynchronous generators, as described in this bug report and discussed in PEP 492. We will discuss this illumintaing oddity later in the course.

Suspension point (aka Control transfer point)

A suspendable function cannot willy-nilly suspend execution (and allow control transfer) anywhere. The control can only be transferred away from the suspendable function at the designated suspension points aka control transfer points.

In our pseudocode, for both explicit and implicit control transfer suspendables, this suspension point is designated by the special keywords release control. When we move from pseudocode to real python code, we will see actual python keywords that indicate the suspension points.

We're not done yet

Before we begin discussing python generators and coroutines, we need to solve the problem of defining unambiguous syntax for suspendables.


  1. Wary readers may already have noticed the ambiguity in the second call to mashed_potatoes. How would we differentiate between a resumption of a previously suspended run and a second independent run of a suspendable function? This is exactly why we had to use pseudocode for our examples. We tackle this question of unambiguous syntax and semantics next

  2. David Beazley's live coding of an event loop is highly recommended in spite of the following caveats. Please be aware that this video uses an alpha version of Python 3.5 and the old yield from syntax intended for soon to be deprecated generator-based coroutines. Generator-based coroutines are an enormous source of confusion as discussed in the beginning of this course and this course does not describe them for this reason. Further, PEP 492 makes it illegal to have a yield or yield from within a native coroutine. See this footnote to go one step further down into the deep hole. 

  3. A memory-efficient, boundless iterator (such as Python 3's range) is a common real-world example of a suspendable function that does not benefit from an event loop. 

  4. Unless it's for educational purposes

  5. We are purposefully ignoring the existence of generator-based coroutines. See Footnote 2 on this page. 

Last update: 2022-09-13
Created: 2022-09-13
