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Mechanics by Examples

Curious readers may have lots of questions on how exactly yield behaves. Let's answer them with examples.

yield under an impossible branch

In Introduction, we said that a syntactically reachable yield within a function makes it a generator function. The important word is syntactically. So, even if a yield statement is inside a never-to-be-executed if branch, such as shown below, the function would still be a generator function.

def still_a_generator_function():
    if False:
        yield 1

x = still_a_generator_function()
# <class 'generator'>

# Entering
# Exiting
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# StopIteration                             Traceback (most recent call last)
# <ipython-input-4-92de4e9f6b1e> in <module>
# ----> 1 next(x)

# StopIteration:
The above generator function is indeed quite strange. The yield statment will never get to execute because it is under an impossible if branch, and yet, presence of the yield keyword makes for a generator function. Then, when, we call next on the generator function, it does not find even a single yield statement (where the execution could've been suspended), reaches the end of the function, and throws a StopIteration1.

Allowing an impossible to reach yield to create a generator is still a reasonable decision. This is because in a more real-world example, the python interpreter can never know which way an if statement would resolve. Consider the following snippet.

def real_world_function():
    # ...
    if some_variable.some_method():
        yield something
        # Do anything but yield
There is no way of knowing whether some_variable.some_method() would be considered equivalent to True or not. What if some_variable.some_method() uses pseudo random numbers and can return a True-equivalent2 during some runs and a False-equivalent during some other runs? Even if some_variable.some_method() does not use random numbers, code changes in this method would affect which branch of if-else is executed inside real_world_function.

Programmers would also face the same exact problem as the interpreter. How would you write the downstream code to execute the contents of real_world_function ? We've already seen that we require very different code to drive a generator function versus running a simple function.

The same applies to other control flow constructs such as while and do while or even something as evil as this.

def evil_generator_function():
    while True:
    yield 1
This behavior can also be used to your advantage when you're editing code. Suppose that you have a generator function called frequently_edited_gen_fun. You've written downstream code to use frequently_edited_gen_fun as a generator function. Now, you need to edit it and as a result of this edit, you have to remove all the yield statements. Removing all yield statements would reduce frequently_edited_gen_fun to a simple function causing all the downstream code to fail unless rewritten. You can salvage the situation by adding an impossible to reach yield like the one shown in one of the examples above. This yield would never be reached but it will still prevent frequently_edited_gen_fun from becoming a simple function.


See yet another example in return before a yield.

Must we return something with yield?

No. We can yield without specifying a yield value.

def no_yield_value():

y = no_yield_value()
y_yield_value = next(y)
# Entering

# None
If we don't specify a yield value, None is yielded. This is similar to return in the following simple function.

def no_return_value():

no_return_value() is None
# True

yield is an expression

Since PEP 342, yield is an expression rather than a statement, even if it can be used in a statement form.

def yield_is_an_expression():
    product_value = (yield 1) * (yield 2)  # expression form
    yield 3  # statement form
The above code is legal syntax. You should try this out yourself because things will become murky in a moment. We've already seen that we can send value into a a generator via the yield keyword. The above generator function seems to compute product_value as a sum of two yield expressions. Only difference is that this time the expressions are wrapped in parentheses. This is also important. Thw following statements list the rules of engagement when it comes to yield.

  1. yield is always an expression, even if it can be written in a statement form (like a return statement)
  2. yield expressions almost always require parentheses with two known exceptions. Overuse of parentheses is encouraged.
  3. Every yield expression has a value, even if the value is None.

Let's look at an example that is easier to run than the one above. We'll discuss why this example is easier than the one above in a moment.

def fill_list_using_yields():
    list_value = [(yield), (yield)]

Drive using next

We can drive the above generator in at least two ways, one is using next and the other using send. Let's see next first.

z = fill_list_using_yields()
z_value_1 = next(z)
z_value_2 = next(z)
z_value_3 = next(z)
# list_value=[None, None]
In the above snippet, we didn't explicitly send any value to the generator and it appears that the generator assumed that we sent back Nones. There is an important but simple reason for this. Calling the next function calls the __next__ method. If this __next__ is the default method (which is indeed the case for fill_list_using_yields), then __next__ simply calls the send method with a None argument. Thus, calling next(z) is equivalent to calling z.__next__(), which is equivalent to calling z.send(None). This clarifies why list_value contains Nones. If we were to redefine __next__, perhaps by defining a generator class, then the outcome could've been different.

Drive using send

Let's look at send now. When we use the send method, we explicitly send back a value to the generator. Expectedly, trying to call send without any argument fails.

# TypeError: send() takes exactly one argument (0 given)
Let's try sending some value.

fill_list_using_yields().send('hello, generator')
# TypeError: can't send non-None value to a just-started generator
This also failed! In a way, it's good that this failed. In the above snippet, we're calling send on a fresh generator object fill_list_using_yields() which hasn't yet started executing. This means that the execution hasn't yet reached the first yield point. Only yield expressions can receive a value using send. So, the above snippet attempts to send the value 'hello, generator' even though the generator is not yet ready to receive the value. This is why we must send a value that is completely useless and None uniquely quailifies3. This is called priming the generator.

Let's try again. This time, we'll send None the first time, and some other values second and third time.

w = fill_list_using_yields()
w_value_1 = w.send(None)  # = next(w)
w_value_2 = w.send('alpha')
w_value_3 = w.send(3659)
# list_value=['alpha', 3659]

# None
# None
# None
Voila! list_value was updated with the values we sent.

Parentheses are important

Removing the parentheses from the first two yield expressions would result in an immediate syntax error.

def fill_list_using_yields_wrong():
    list_value = [yield, yield]
#   File "<ipython-input-60-985d7314e596>", line 2
#     list_value = [yield, yield]
#                   ^
# SyntaxError: invalid syntax

A yield expression must be enclosed within parentheses with only two exceptions, as shown below.

def yield_parentheses_exceptions():
    # Exception I: you can skip the parentheses
    value_1 = yield
    value_2 = yield 42

    # Exception II: you can skip the parentheses
    yield 42

    # Not Exceptions: you must use parentheses
    value_3 = 12 + (yield)
    value_3 = 12 + (yield 42)
    print((yield))  # This is what PEP 342 gets wrong
    isinstance((yield), dict)  # This is what PEP 342 gets wrong
Note the use of double parentheses in print((yield)) above. This is necessary even though PEP 342 says otherwise. Sadly, PEP 342 is outdated and contains some incorrect information. When in doubt, the documentation for your python version should provide some guidance.

Why was the first example more difficult to run?

This is simply because calling next on yield_is_an_expression would fail on the third try.

q = yield_is_an_expression()
# 1
# 2
# TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for *: 'NoneType' and 'NoneType'
Calling next is equivalent to calling send(None), as we saw previously. Eventually, the generator would attempt to compute product_value as the product of two Nones which is unsupported, regardless of generators. This problem is not just for Nones; we can recreate the problem if we sent back a dict and a list.

e = yield_is_an_expression()
next(e)  # prime the generator
# 1
# 2
# TypeError: can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'set'
So, in order to drive yield_is_an_expression, we must send back values that support the product operation, such as ['a'] and 3.

f = yield_is_an_expression()
# 1
# 2
f.send(3)  # no error
The following is another working example that may be helpful because it shows the order in which data is sent back and forth.

def sum_of_yields():
    sum_value = (yield 'send first value') + (yield 'send second value')

w = sum_of_yields()
w_value_1 = next(w)
# send first value

w_value_2 = w.send(100)
# send second value

w_value_3 = w.send(23)
# sum_value=123
# None

Can a function have both yield and return?

Yes, it can. Let's see two cases.

return before a yield

Even if we put a return before the first yield, the resulting function is still a generator function.

def return_before_yield():
    print('After return but before yield')

weird_gen_object = return_before_yield()
# <generator object return_before_yield at 0x10807a120>

# Beginning
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# StopIteration                             Traceback (most recent call last)
# <ipython-input-79-a5dbbac1bc45> in <module>
# ----> 1 next(weird_gen_object)

# StopIteration:
This is another case of yield under an impossible branch. Obviously, we will never to reach the yield point because the generator function will return permanently when it reaches return. Thus, when return is before all the yields, then the function is a generator function and has to be driven like a generator but behaves partially like a simple function by permanently returning when it hits return.

return after all yields



return value = raise StopIteration(value)

StopIteration error


Can yield be outside a function?

No4. This can be easily checked and is mentioned in the documentation.

yield 1
#   File "<ipython-input-13-9f4dce03671c>", line 1
#     yield 1
#     ^
# SyntaxError: 'yield' outside function

(yield 1)
#   File "<ipython-input-80-4cb37392add7>", line 1
#     (yield 1)
#      ^
# SyntaxError: 'yield' outside function

class A:
    (yield 1)
#   File "<ipython-input-81-f2ee79229f43>", line 2
#     (yield 1)
#      ^
# SyntaxError: 'yield' outside function

Can a lambda contain a yield?

Yes. But, we must use yield within parentheses.

# Fails
lambda x: yield 'whatever'
# SyntaxError: invalid syntax

# Works
gen_function_via_lambda = lambda: (yield 1)
# <class 'generator'>
In fact, python source uses a lambda to obtain generator type for use for
generator = type((lambda: (yield))())
# <class 'generator'>

Can you put a yield within a simple function?

The answer to this question seems to be "no", given that we hammered this point repeatedly. But, this is a trick question, perhaps, for job interviews. Think about it and then click on Answer below to check for one possible answer.


Yes, just put the yield within another function inside a simple function.

def this_is_a_simple_function():
    print('Entering simple function')
    def this_is_a_generator_function():
        print('Entering generator function')
        yield 1
        print('Exiting generator function')
    print('Exiting simple function')
    return 'done'

output = this_is_a_simple_function()
# Entering simple function
# Exiting simple function

# done

Can a simple function return a generator object?

Another trick question for job interviews. Think about it and then click on Answer below.


Yes. See below.

def simple_function_returns_gen_object():
    print('Entering simple function')
    def generator_function():
        print('Entering generator function')
        yield 1
        print('Exiting generator function')
    print('Exiting simple function')
    return generator_function()

obj = simple_function_returns_gen_object()
# Entering simple function
# Exiting simple function

# <generator object simple_function_returns_gen_object.<locals>.generator_function at 0x107fe19e0>

This demonstrates an important point. Just because a function f returns a generator object does not mean that f is guaranteed to be a generator function.

Can a simple function return a generator object without using yield inside it?

Another trick question for job interviews. Think about it and then click on Answer below.


Yes. Just move the generator function out.

def some_generator_function():
    yield 1

def simple_function_no_yield():
    print('Entering simple function')
    print('Exiting simple function')
    return some_generator_function()

obj = simple_function_no_yield()
# Entering simple function
# Exiting simple function

# <generator object some_generator_function at 0x10810aba0>

Can a simple function return a generator object without using yield at all?

Another trick question for job interviews. Think about it and then click on Answer below.


Yes. Define a generator class which avoids the use of yield.

from import Generator

def simple_function_no_yield_self_contained():
    print('Entering simple function')
    class SomeGeneratorClass(Generator):
        def send(self, value):
        def throw(self, typ, val=None, tb=None):
            super().throw(typ, val, tb)

    print('Exiting simple function')
    return SomeGeneratorClass()

obj = simple_function_no_yield_self_contained()
# Entering simple function
# Exiting simple function

# <__main__.simple_function_no_yield_self_contained.<locals>.SomeGeneratorClass object at 0x107f92d90>


  1. It's like we can never win with yield. Pick a side, yield

  2. We don't always need something to evaluate to True to choose the if branch instead of the else branch. For example, non-zero ints or floats, non-empty lists, and non-empty strings all evaluate to True. Similarly, 0, empty lists, and empty strings evaluate to False

  3. You could argue that we could've allowed sending 'hello, generator' the first time and then just thrown it away. That would certainly be possible but it would make for a poorer design. First, every programmer could send something different leading to unnecessary and useless magic strings in the code. Second, anybody reading the code would be confused as to why a particular first, throwaway value was chosen and whether or not it had any significance. And, finally, unnecessarily sending an object only to be thrown away would waste computation. 

  4. Think of yield as a fish. It cannot survive outside the waters of a function

Last update: 2022-09-13
Created: 2022-09-13
